Walking in the Sun

"So what do we reckon for October, Scotland or Mallorca ?". And so we turned south.

The prospect of some autumnal sunshine was more appealing so after a short hop on Easyjet, during which Pete's legs were voted as "most effective" we landed in a sunny Palma where we were greeted by a car and whisked off through the mountain tunnels to Soller, our base for a long weekend.

As the hotel didn't have one, our first priority was to find a friendly bar....
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Back to the Lakes

Glastonbury, injury and exams saw a reduced trio of Pete, Lewis and Tav head back to Michelle’s place in Braithwaite for a weekend of Lake peak bagging. Arriving on a glorious Thursday afternoon we immediately set out for a warm up, with a stroll up Barrow where we were rewarded with stunning views before returning to the village for a couple of Jennings...

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Back to Assynt

I get knocked down, but I get up again - Chumbawumba


After a great (but somewhat windy) trip to Assynt last year, we were keen to reacquaint ourselves with the Inchnadamph hotel and the local hills - hopefully with better weather.

Some of that worked out....

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It seems like a perfectly sensible plan. Fly up to Inverness and head to the far North West (Assynt) and climb the iconic Suilven and the Ben More. However, it didn’t quite go according to plan……

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The Lake District again

The best climber in the world is the one who is having the most fun

Wainwright was right

“The reason we haven’t started any major religions is because of the weather” And so the weekend started.

Never one to shy away from the important topics, this Tavs Tours excelled itself in tackling the big issues; the link between weather (or more technically climate) and religion, the third runway at Heathrow, Brexit, the state of UK politics and whether different types of jelly babies has different calorie contents.

Once again we were hosted very kindly by Dennis and Michelle in Braithwaite who claimed that they enjoyed having us despite us failing to understand why having 6 blokes descend on your house was enjoyable. As well as a lovely meal, they even joined us for a drink in the pub so we must have been doing something right (though being asked to participate in answering kid’s Trivial Pursuit questions was probably not what they expected....

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